How to open the garage door manually from the outside?

How to open the garage door manually from the outside

You may be worried about how to open the garage door manually from the outside. It’s really sad if the garage door doesn’t open due to a sudden power outage in inclement weather on a rainy night. There are two ways to open your garage door outside without electric power.

An emergency release system is the most common and convenient way of opening the garage door manually without electric power. It is a proven method and the safest method to protect the garage door from breaking down.

This guide will discuss the ways of opening a garage door without any electric power. In the meantime, you will know the method of opening a garage door with a broken wire from outside. Besides, we will discuss important considerations, premium tips and warning to open a garage door. So, let’s start.

The steps of opening a garage door manually from outside

What is the process of manually open a roller door? Most garage doors are designed with two alternative opening options for emergencies like power outages. These alternative solutions are emergency releases and using metal wire. Besides, taking help from a professional garage door technician is another great alternative. Let’s know about all of the methods.

Emergency Release

Firstly, you need to find out the emergency release function of the garage door to know the system of garage door opening with key. If you found the release function, then follow these steps.

Step 1: Find the emergency release lock and key

The lock and key functions are at the top of the garage door. So, find out the exact location of the lock and the key that comes with the lock. Note that the emergency lock generally sits flush with the door to blend properly. Remember that you must need a key to open the door from the outside.

Step 2: reveal the door cord

Please find the emergency release cord because it mainly works to open the door. Enter the key into the emergency release system and pull it safely. Then turn the release cord counter-clockwise.

Step 3: Unlock the manual lock

Now you need to unlock the manual lock with a similar key. So, find out the manual lock from the center of the garage door. Then turn the key and door handle clockwise.

Step 4: Lift the garage door manually

Bow down your body to hold the handle at the bottom of the door. Now the garage door should slide up smoothly. Continue pushing until the garage door stops moving. Ensure you open the door shutter completely and lock it at the upper point. Otherwise, the door may fall once again.

Step 5: Close the garage door behind your car

Once you enter the garage, then pull the door back down by hand. This will power up your door and start working again when the electricity comes. We hope you understand the process of opening garage door from outside.

garage door manually

Metal Wire

Using metal wire is another fruitful solution for opening unlock the door from the outside. In this case, you need to break in the garage door with metal wire.

Step 1: Prepare the metal wire

Take the metal wire and make a circle or hoop-shaped at one end of the wire.

Step 2: Inserting the wire’s hook

Find out the small gap between the door slats of your garage. Then insert the wire hook into that gap.

Step 3: Maneuver the Metal wire

Now your tasks are maneuvering the metal wire. Drive the wire until the emergency release cord stays inside the garage.

Step 4: Pulling the cord

At the last stage, pull the release cord and lift the garage door. Remember to close the garage door when you can enter the home.

Call the professional

You need to succeed at the above two methods to get help from a professional. It is recommended to contact an expert and certified technician. In the meantime, tell the technicians providing the company that you are in an emergency.

Things you should know before opening a garage door manually

  • Unplug the automatic door opener before you start to open it manually. Otherwise, the opener may want to open the door again when the electricity is active. And it can make the re-connection difficult.
  • Use the vehicle’s headlight, smartphone or flashlight if opening the garage door at night. Otherwise, unexpected serious accidents may occur.
  • Call a technician only when you can’t move the door and disengage the trolley. If not, then it can cause spring damage.
  • Avoid pulling the emergency release cord if the door is open.
  • Take care of the opened door when manually releasing it from the opener. Otherwise, several unexpected occurrences may happen.
  • Use a metal-made manual lock when your automatic door is not working.
  • After manually opening the door, check it a few times to ensure it opens properly.

The methods of opening garage door from outside with key

Have you lost your garage door key? No, worries, there are a few alternatives to open the garage door from outside without a key manually.

Pull the Emergency Latch:

This method has some risk of damaging the door. Yet, you can use it in an emergency. So, straighten a wire hanger and insert it into the top of the door. Keep entering it until you reach out of the emergency cords.

Create a Makeshift Key:

Although it is less effective, this method still works. So, insert a similar key-like metal into the door’s lock. If you are lucky, the door will open.

Use Your Credit Card:

What are we saying about a credit card to open the garage doors? But it works great. Credit cards can create pressure on the door bolt. And that leads to a door for opening. Also, a flathead screwdriver can help open the locked door.

Manual garage door opener warning

When your garage door is under a malfunction or power outage, then you need to open the garage door manually. However, the manual opening includes some potential risks. Here are some safety tips for you.

Clear the area:

Remove all types of obstacles from the garage door path. Make sure that the nearest door area is clear. A clear path prevents damage and accident. 

Be careful when lifting the door. Otherwise, you may get strain on your back. Remember to bend the knees, straighten the back and use leg muscles to lift the heavier door.

Work with a partner:

You should take help from a partner to lift the door. As the door is heavier so a partner can help to open and lift

Be aware of the door’s balance:

Good to know that a manually opened garage door should stay in place and be stable at different heights. If you notice that the door is moveable and difficult to lift, take help from a professional.

 Avoid putting hands or fingers in the tracks:

Remember to remove your hands and fingers from the rollers and tracks. It can cause your finger damage.

Don’t rush:

It is recommended not to create a rush in the media. Opening the door at the proper time can prevent damage and accidents.

Keep children and pets away:

Keep away your kids and pets from the door when you are managing and operating the door manually.

Re-engage the automatic opener:

You need to re-engage the automatic technology when the power supply comes.

Regular maintenance:

Regular maintenance can help to switch from the automatic opening technology. So, lubricate the moving parts, and maintain the balance.


  • Can the garage door be opened from the outside with no power?

Yes, it is possible to open the garage door outside without power. Every modern garage door comes with an improved automatic opening system. So, the manufacturer also keeps some quick manual releasing solutions when electric power is unavailable.

  • Can a garage door open by itself?

Yes, a garage door can open by itself. There has some logic behind it. For example, there may have a short circuit problem inside the electric board. Besides, there may have been faults in the logic board. The circuit board may damage over time and cause unusual opening and closing.

  • Can you open garage door by hand from outside?

Yes, you can do it if your door is designed with manual opening system. Remember that your door should not have any motor system or electric powered system. In this case, you can open the door from both inside and outside.

Final Words

We hope you got the step-by-step guideline on “How to open garage door manually from outside” You can open a garage door from outside in two manual ways. The first way is to use an Emergency Release cord, and another way is to use metal wire. 

Besides, professional technicians can help you in this case. Remember to consider the things we have mentioned above before starting the door opening. Also, it would be better to follow the safety tips to secure yourself and your environment.

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