How to clean the garage floor without a pressure washer?

How to clean the garage floor without a pressure washer

A pressure washer is an important but not a must-have tool for cleaning concrete garage floors. Because of this, it is crucial to know how to clean the garage floor without a pressure washer. There have several alternative ways to clean your concrete floor except for a washer.

Detergents with water, ammonia with hot water, and baking soda with water are the three most effective homemade concrete cleaner for garages. Besides, using a garden hose, WD-40 lubricant, Degrease, and laundry soap works excellent to clean the tricky stain from concrete floors.

In this guide, we will discuss different methods of how to clean garage floor stains efficiently. If you are interested, then let’s start now.


Due to lawnmowers, cars, motorcycles and other vehicles, concrete garage floors may easily get oily, dirty and greasy. Here we will talk about some very handy materials and tools that you can use to remove tough stains and dirt from concrete floors.

Detergent and Water Solution:

The easiest floor cleaning method without a machine washer is detergent and water soapy solution. It is a tested method to remove accumulated dirt and difficult stain.

So, mix a small amount of well-branded detergent with the required warm water. You mix water in proportion to the detergent. For example, mixing three times the amount of detergent with water will give you the right consistency.

Then apply the solution to the garage floor. And scrub the whole floor with a bristle brush or broom. Remember to pay close attention to the too-stained places. Now wash the floor with clean water and let it to be dried. Do note that detergent water solution is time-consuming, and using excess detergent can ruin the floor’s natural look.

Combination of soap and warm water:

The second easiest way of concrete floor cleaning is soap and warm water solution. It is the best method to clean mild dirt floors with moderate stains. Now take some warm water in a bucket and mix any soap. Then apply the warm soapy water through the floor with the help of a mop after a few minutes Scrub the floor with a stiff bristle brush and wash the floor with normal water. Remember that soap and water combination is an affordable way. However, it might only work well for easy and stubborn stains.

Ammonia and Hot Water Solution:

Is your garage floor becoming dirty with grease and oil? Then ammonia and hot water solution are mandatory for you. Mix half a cup of ammonia into a gallon of hot water. Now rinse a mop into the solutions and apply through the garage floor. You must give attention in the dark and difficult stained place. Lastly, rinse the floor with normal water. Do note that the Ammonia solution is affordable, easy to apply, and doesn’t require any special tools.

clean the garage floor

Use Green Oxy Solve solution:

Many garage owners ask what is the best chemical to clean concrete floor? Green Oxy Solve solution is one of the most effective chemical products for floor cleaning. It is best for removing tough stains, grease and oil from the concrete surface. So, mix 2 cups of Green Oxy Solve solution with 1 gallon of warm water. Now use a mop to apply this solution and scrub correctly. Remember that oxy solution is best for removing stubborn oil stains.

Baking Soda and Water Solution:

Using baking soda with water is another excellent alternative to a pressure washer for garage cleaning. Generally, baking soda removes mild to moderate stains and dirt from the surface.

Take a similar portion of baking soda and water and make a smooth paste. Then apply this paste to the floor and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Now come back and scrub the concrete floor well with a broom or a bristle brush.

Wash the floor with clean water and let it dry for hours. Remember that baking soda is an environment-friendly and affordable product but is highly effective for cleaning stains and dirt.

Use a Garden Hose:

A garden hose, mop and bristle brush are also good for cleaning your garage concrete floor. In this method, you won’t need any solution. However, it is only effective for loosening dirt. Use a broom to sweep the floor, and use a garden hose to apply water to clean the surface. There is no chance of damaging the floor with this method.

Use WD-40 lubricant:

Uses of WD-40 lubricant are rare in floor cleaning. Yet it has been seen that lubricant works excellently to remove dirt and rust from concrete floors. So, apply an ample amount of WD-40 on the specific stained area of your garage. Then use a floor scrubber or stiff bristle brush to scrub the floor. WD-40 is a household component. It is comparatively easier and affordable to use.


If you want to get a double cleaner action, then a degreaser will be the best cleaner. So, choose a water-based degreaser to get an effective cleaner. You can remove all the toughest stains with a degreaser. You’ll especially benefit from this when the garage floor tile has become shit with dirt and oil.

Benefits of cleaning garage floor without a pressure washer

We have already known how to clean concrete without a pressure washer. But knowing the benefits of cleaning a garage floor without a washer is important.


Purchasing or renting a pressure washer is expensive. If you use an alternative method, then it would be greatly cost-effective.

Environmentally Friendly:

Generally, a pressure washer needs huge amounts of water to clean a garage. This results in the waste of water. Moreover, machine washers often release chemicals into the environment. So, using basic cleaner products require less water and don’t dislodge chemical from the environment. Overall, basic cleaner is eco-friendly.

Safer for Certain Surfaces:

Good to know that the pressure washer is not suitable for cleaning all types of garages. If you use a washer for an older or damaged garage, it can cause serious damage. In this case, you can clean manually with a mop or brush.

Greater Control:

In manual cleaning, you can special care for the toughest stained area.

Which will allow the necessary control for specific area cleaning. On the other hand, a pressure washer could be better for control precisely.

No Power Source Needed:

Pressure washers must need an electric or gas-powered engine to operate. On the other hand, in manual cleaning, you don’t need any power source.

Less Noise:

The louder noise of the pressure washer can cause bore to the neighbors or household members. But manual cleaning is pretty calm, and no chance of disturbing others.

Better for Indoor Use:

Manual cleaning is far better than a pressure washer for indoor use. Manual cleaning is ideal if you have sensitive materials in the garage or lack drainage.

No Risk of Accidental Damage:

As an electric-powered tool, a pressure washer may occur several accidents if it is not used properly. Especially those who have no experience operating pressure washers can face an unexpected accident. But manual cleaning has a different type of risk.

Physical Activity:

Manual cleaning offers a little physical activity. It could be helpful for those who like to do exercise.


  • What is the Best Cleaner for a Garage Floor?

Choosing the best cleaner for a garage is related to the types of dirt and stain. Several well-known cleaners in the market work uniquely based on the stain. For example, bacterial cleaners are best for superficial stains and trisodium phosphate with water is best for the toughest dirt and oil.

Besides, Karcher 1.766-303 S650 and McCulloch MC1385 Steam Cleaners are popular garage cleaners.

  • What is the fastest way to clean a garage floor?

There is no straightforward answer to your query. How quickly a cleaner will work depends on the size of your garage and the type of dirt. Any cleaner will work quickly if the garage is small and lightly dirty.

On the other hand, you will need more time to clean a larger garage with the toughest dirt. However, using a garden hose or crevice tool with a vacuum cleaner is recommended to clean the loose dust quickly.

  • How do you deep clean a garage?

You will need some essential things to deep clean your garage. These essentials are a bucket, cleaning products, a broom and clean water.

First, take a bucket of water and mix cleaning products. Then apply the solution all over the floor. Then leave it for 10 minutes with cleaner. Finally, clean the accumulated dirt with a broom.

Final words:

We hope you know How to clean the garage floor without a pressure washer. Cleaning the garage concrete floor, except pressure washer, is very beneficial. Manual cleaning is cost-effective, eco-friendly and easy to do. There have several alternative ways of using washers. These include baking soda, lubricant, detergent, soapy water and garden hose.

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